A fairy tale classroom theme is colorful and whimsical, just like the stories included in this genre. Teachers love this theme because they have the flexibility to choose if they want to create a nature-inspired learning environment with a setting in a forest with flowers and lots of sunshine or one that has a more modern feel with watercolor or pastel colors. They can customize it to what they envision for their classroom! This theme works for both lower and upper elementary students. Learn more about a fairy tale classroom theme below and scoop up this fairy tale classroom theme packet!

Fairy Tale Theme Bulletin Board Ideas
Below are some fairy tale theme bulletin board ideas for elementary teachers.
Fairy Tale Bulletin Board Backgrounds
If you prefer solid color fabric or butcher paper for bulletin board backgrounds, consider using the neutral colors black, tan, white, or brown so you can add colorful elements to it. You could also go bold and use colors like pink, purple or orange. It all depends on the feel you want in your classroom!
Fairy Tale Bulletin Board Trim
In addition to traditional border, put these items around the perimeter of your board.
- braided yellow yarn to look like a Rapunzel braid
- plastic magic wands hot glued to a basic bulletin board trim
- strips of stone paper
- sponge paint bricks
- glue glitter on a basic bulletin board trim
- printed book covers from fairytales
Get these fairy tale classroom decor printables!
Fairy Tale Bulletin Board Title Ideas
- “Once Upon a Time There Was a (Grade) Class”
- “Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Learning can be Fun for All”
- “The Story Begins in (Grade)”
- “Happily Ever After Starts Here”
- When creating your own titles, use words like story, magic, or wish.
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8 Ideas for a Fairy Tale Themed Classroom
- Take pictures of each student wearing a crown. Display them in the classroom.
- Use grey paint and a kitchen sponge to sponge paint “bricks” onto a bulletin board or cardboard box to create a custom look or cozy reading spot.
- Twist green butcher paper and hang from the ceiling to the floor to create a beanstalk.
- Repurpose a crib mattress or use a twin size mattress to create a “Princess and the Pea” reading corner.
- Attach a full length mirror (the ones available in the back-to-school college section of stores are shatterproof). Attach a sign reading, “Mirror Mirror on the Wall There’s a Role Model in us All.”
- As a back-to-school project, have each student design a crest to display.
- Have students draw self-portraits of themselves as princes and princesses.
- Set up a display of books that relate to the theme by standing them on a counter or shelf.

Themes to Pair Your Fairy Tale Theme With
Get access to all of the Clutter-Free Classroom decor themes and color schemes in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection, including the ones listed below that pair really nicely with a fairy tale theme.
- mermaid classroom theme decor
- wizard classroom theme decor
- pink, purple, and green color scheme decor bundles
Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Fairy Tale Theme Only
Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Fairy Tale Theme Only
Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Fairy Tale Theme Only

Fairy Tales Themed Classroom Pictures
The fairy tale classroom theme bundle includes BOTH the original version (shown below) and the newly updated version (shown above). In the newer version, we used all new clipart which includes much more diverse characters. Also, we made the entire bundle 100% editable so not only can you customize it with your students’ names and details specific to your classroom, you can now translate EVERYTHING into other languages too. This has long been a request from teachers of ELLs and immersion classrooms. Both versions are available in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection.
Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Fairy Tale Theme Only
In closing, we hope you found these fairy tale classroom theme ideas helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in the free fairy tale planning organizer below as well as these classroom decorating posts:
- How to Decorate the Classroom of Your Dreams
- 60+ Themes for Classrooms at the Elementary Level
- Colorful Classroom Decor Ideas for Elementary Teachers
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