
Jungle Classroom Theme Ideas for Elementary Teachers in 2025

A safari or jungle classroom theme helps you create an adventure-filled learning environment! Teachers love this theme because it helps create a classroom that can be described as fun and exciting. This theme works well for both lower and upper elementary classroom decor. Learn more about a jungle classroom theme below and scoop up this jungle classroom theme packet!

jungle classroom decor ideas

Jungle Theme Bulletin Board Ideas

Below are some jungle theme bulletin board ideas for elementary teachers.

Jungle Bulletin Board Backgrounds

Brown, black, tan, green, or blue butcher paper can be used as a bulletin board background. You can use animal prints for a background too. If you choose to use fabric as your bulletin board background, simple colors like black, brown, tan, green, and blue provide a nice backdrop.

Jungle Bulletin Board Trim

In addition to traditional border, put these items around the perimeter of your board.

  • leaves
  • faux greenery
  • fake vines
  • small plastic animal figures

Get these jungle classroom decor printables!

Jungle Bulletin Board Title Ideas

  • “Welcome to __ GRRRRRade”
  • “Born to be Wild” for a birthday bulletin board
  • “Get Ready for a Wild Year”
  • “Welcome to the Jungle”
  • “Explore __ Grade”
  • “We are Wild about __ Grade”
  • “Learning is an Adventure”

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10 Ideas for a Jungle Themed Classroom

  1. Use animal print fabrics for bulletin board backgrounds.
  2. Outline your bulletin boards with fake vines and greenery.
  3. Balance the animal prints with complementary neutral colors like tans and greens.
  4. Use animal print Duct Tape as borders, to line shelves, and wrap around boxes and cans to create storage that matches your Jungle Safari theme.
  5. Title your birthday board with “Born to Be Wild!”
  6. Create a welcome bulletin board that reads, “Welcome to __ GRRRRRade.”
  7. Take photos of your students wearing a tan vest and safari hat. Use the photos as a display or as labels in the classroom.
  8. Refer to your Guided Math Teams or Reading Groups as different animal names such as giraffes, lions, elephants, etc.
  9. Place stuffed animals around the classroom as decorations.
  10. A low-cost way to enhance your Jungle theme is to set up a display of books that relate to the theme by standing them on a counter or shelf.
free printable planning organizers for jungle classroom theme on a desk

Themes to Pair Your Jungle Theme With

Get access to all of the Clutter-Free Classroom decor themes and color schemes in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection, including the ones listed below that pair really nicely with a jungle theme.

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Get Access to All 60+ Class Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Jungle Theme Only

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Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Jungle Theme Only

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jungle classroom theme clock labels and interactive math charts jungle classroom theme math number charts, ten frames and calendar pieces

Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Jungle Theme Only

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Jungle Themed Classroom Pictures

Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!
Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!
Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!
Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!
Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!Are you planning a Jungle Safari themed classroom or thematic unit? This blog post provides great decoration tips and ideas for the best Jungle Safari theme yet! It has photos, ideas, supplies & printable classroom decor to will make set up easy and affordable. You can create a Jungle Safari theme on a budget!

In closing, we hope you found these jungle classroom theme ideas helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in the free jungle planning organizer below as well as these classroom decorating posts:

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classroom decor guide
This classroom decor guide includes helpful tips and ideas for decorating your classroom.