
Cooking Classroom Theme Ideas for Elementary Teachers in 2025

If you are looking for a non-traditional theme for your elementary classroom, a cooking classroom theme might be exactly what you need! Teachers love this theme because of how unique it is. Cooking-loving teachers, in particular, enjoy this thematic decor because it gives them the opportunity to share their love of cooking with their students and inspire them to discover their passion for it as well. This theme works great for both lower and upper elementary classroom decor. Learn more about a cooking classroom theme below and scoop up this cooking classroom theme packet!

cooking classroom decor ideas

Cooking Theme Bulletin Board Ideas

Below are some cooking theme bulletin board ideas for elementary teachers.

Cooking Bulletin Board Backgrounds

A fun idea to consider it to use a red and white checkered tablecloth as a bulletin board background. You could also try out parchment paper, aluminum foil or wax paper as backgrounds. If you are interested in using more traditional solid color fabric, consider the colors red, white or black.

Cooking Bulletin Board Trim

In addition to traditional border, put these items around the perimeter of your board.

  • plastic utensils hot glued to simple bulletin board trim
  • strips of a red and white checkered tablecloth
  • aluminum foil
  • recipe cards
  • student-drawn cookies
  • play food hot glued to simple bulletin board trim

Get these cooking classroom decor printables!

Cooking Bulletin Board Title Ideas

  • “We’re Cooking Up a Great Year!”
  • “Smart Cookies!”
  • “We’re Cooking Up a Recipe for Success!”
  • “Top Chefs of (Grade)!”
  • When creating your own titles, use words like cook, fry, or bake.

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6 Ideas for a Cooking Themed Classroom

  1. Use aluminum pans, cookie sheets and pizza pans to mount charts and signs on.
  2. Store pencils and other student supplies in measuring cups.
  3. Create an oversized recipe card to list your classroom rules and title it “Recipe for Success.”
  4. Cover tables with red and white checkered tablecloths to add color and create storage underneath.
  5. Take photos of your students wearing chef hats and aprons for a yearlong display.
  6. Set up a display of books that relate to the theme by standing them on a counter or shelf.
free printable planning organizers for cooking classroom theme on a desk

Themes to Pair Your Cooking Theme With

Get access to all of the Clutter-Free Classroom decor themes and color schemes in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection, including the ones listed below that pair really nicely with a cooking theme.

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Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Cooking Theme Only

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Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Cooking Theme Only

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Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Cooking Theme Only

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Cooking Themed Classroom Pictures

The cooking classroom theme bundle includes BOTH the original version (shown below) and the newly updated version (shown above). In the newer version, we used all new clipart which includes much more diverse characters. Also, we made the entire bundle 100% editable so not only can you customize it with your students’ names and details specific to your classroom, you can now translate EVERYTHING into other languages too. This has long been a request from teachers of ELLs and immersion classrooms. Both versions are available in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection.

An editable welcome sign and labels for a cooking theme. Classroom decor with a cooking theme and teacher binder.

Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Cooking Theme Only

Classroom decor for a cooking themed classroom. Supply labels and classroom job cards for a cooking theme.

In closing, we hope you found these cooking classroom theme ideas helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in the free cooking planning organizer below as well as these classroom decorating posts:

Did you know you can get unlimited access to ALL our decor bundles?

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classroom decor guide
This classroom decor guide includes helpful tips and ideas for decorating your classroom.