
Racing Classroom Theme Ideas for Elementary Teachers in 2025

A racing classroom theme helps create an adventure-packed and highly engaging environment where students are excited to learn. Teachers love this theme because students love it (both lower and upper elementary) and it’s simple to put together on a budget. There are tons of DIY ideas out there for this elementary theme. Learn more about a racing classroom theme below and scoop up this racing classroom theme packet!

racing classroom decor ideas

Racing Theme Bulletin Board Ideas

Below are some racing theme bulletin board ideas for elementary teachers.

Racing Bulletin Board Backgrounds

A racing theme looks great with lots of black and white checkered accents. Be sure to pick a strong solid color as your main focus. Blues and reds look fantastic and make great bulletin board backgrounds. Solid color fabric or butcher paper work great for bulletin board backgrounds.

Racing Bulletin Board Trim

  • Buy solid black borders to trim your boards and use a white Sharpie to draw lines and turn it into a road or race track.
  • Use checkered duct tape throughout the classroom to trim bulletin boards, decorate shelving or wrap around boxes, cans and other upcycled containers to create free classroom storage.
  • Place lots of toy race cars around the classroom and even hot glue them to bulletin board trim to make a custom border.
  • Dip toy cars in paint and use them to create tire tracks on solid color bulletin board trim.
  • Purchase checkered flags.

Racing Bulletin Board Title Ideas

  • Title your classroom jobs board as “The Pit Crew.”
  • Title your birthday board as “We Brake for Birthdays!”
  • Refer to your whole group lesson / class meeting area as “The Pit.”
  • Title the welcome board as ”Start Your Engines for a Great Year!”
  • When creating your own titles, use words like vroom, speed, or race.

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5 Ideas for a Racing Themed Classroom

  1. Take photos of your students holding checkered flags. Use the pictures throughout the year to label cubbies/lockers or as a display.
  2. The area where you keep your bathroom log sign out sheet or bathroom passes could include a sign reading, “Pit Stop.”
  3. Post checkered flags around the room to tie in the theme.
  4. Use tape to make a start line on the floor right at the classroom door.
  5. Set up a display of books that relate to the theme by standing them on a counter or shelf.
free printable planning organizers for racing classroom theme on a desk

Themes to Pair Your Racing Theme With

Get access to all of the Clutter-Free Classroom decor themes and color schemes in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection, including the ones listed below that pair really nicely with a racing theme.

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Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Racing Theme Only

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Racing Classroom Theme Pictures

The racing classroom theme bundle includes BOTH the original version (shown below) and the newly updated version (shown above). In the newer version, we used all new clipart which includes much more diverse characters. Also, we made the entire bundle 100% editable so not only can you customize it with your students’ names and details specific to your classroom, you can now translate EVERYTHING into other languages too. This has long been a request from teachers of ELLs and immersion classrooms. Both versions are available in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection.

Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy The Racing Theme Only

In closing, we hope you found these racing classroom theme ideas helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in the free racing planning organizer below as well as these classroom decorating posts:

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classroom decor guide
This classroom decor guide includes helpful tips and ideas for decorating your classroom.