
Around the World Classroom Theme Ideas for Elementary Teachers in 2025

An Around the World Classroom theme lets you integrate geography and culture into your learning environment. First, it promotes a sense of adventure and is a reminder that there is so much out there to explore. Another favorite reason for choosing the Around the World classroom theme is that it really lends itself to setting the stage for charting all of the amazing places books can take you and your students to. Additionally, it promotes diversity and an appreciation for cultural differences.

Teachers love this theme because it is so flexible. You can use it to create a calm and natural feel to the classroom or you can choose to make your space bright and colorful. While this theme is appropriate for all grade levels, it is an especially good choice as upper elementary classroom decor. Learn more about an Around the World classroom theme below and scoop up this Around the World classroom theme packet!

ideas for elementary teachers setting up a classroom with globe

Around the World Theme Bulletin Board Ideas

Below are some Around the World theme bulletin board ideas for elementary teachers.

Around the World Bulletin Board Backgrounds

Paper maps make the perfect bulletin board background for an Around the World classroom theme. You can focus on the earthy elements of travel and use a water print paper. If you choose to use fabric as your bulletin board background, neutral earth tones like green, blue and brown provide a nice backdrop.

Around the World Board Trim

In addition to traditional border, put these items around the perimeter of your board.

  • passport covers
  • travel brochures
  • postcards
  • flags from different countries
  • images of book covers set all around the world
  • print out how to say “hello” in other languages on colored paper

Get these Around the World classroom decor printables!

Around the World Bulletin Board Title Ideas

  • Use the phrase, “Now Boarding” for a welcome back bulletin board or as a title for door decor.
  • Title your classroom calendar with “Every Day is an Adventure.”
  • Take headshots of your students or have them draw self-portraits and title the board “Passport Photos.”
  • The Future of the World is in Our Classroom.
  • When creating your own titles use words like adventure, explore, journey or travel.

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5 Ideas for an Around the World Themed Classroom

  1. Display clocks set to the time in different parts of the world.
  2. Place a collection of globes around the classroom.
  3. Use open suitcases to display books.
  4. Hang inflatable globes or paper airplanes from the ceiling.
  5. Decorate different sections of your classroom to represent different continents or countries.
free printable planning organizers for around the world classroom theme on a desk

Themes to Pair Your Around the World Theme With

Get access to all of the Clutter-Free Classroom decor themes and color schemes in the Elementary Classroom Decor Collection, including the ones listed below that pair really nicely with an Around the World theme.

  1. travel classroom theme decor 
  2. any of our color scheme decor bundles
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Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy the Around the World Theme Only

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Get Access to All 60+ Decor Packets |OR| Buy the Around the World Theme Only

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Around the World themed math resources for telling time, place value and the days of the week DIY printable classroom calendar for elementary teachers using an Around the World classroom theme

Get Access to All 60+ Classroom Decor Packets |OR| Buy the Around the World Theme Only

Around the World classroom themed google classroom headers and google classroom banners Around the World theme google classroom slides and powerpoint templates for elementary teachers shown on computers

In closing, we hope you found these Around the World classroom theme ideas helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in the free Around the World planning organizer below as well as these classroom decorating posts:

Did you know you can get unlimited access to ALL our decor bundles?

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classroom decor guide
This classroom decor guide includes helpful tips and ideas for decorating your classroom.