
How to Set Up a Classroom Library: 10 Tips for Elementary Teachers in 2024

The library is one of the most important parts of an elementary classroom. There are so many different ways to organize and set up this space in your classroom. Your decision on how to organize comes down to your personal preference, grade level, and space. You want to make it easy for your students to use and access it, while also having it be easy for you to manage. Check out the 10 tips below for how to set up a classroom library!

how to set up a classroom library

10 Tips for How to Set Up a Classroom Library

Below are 10 tips for setting up a classroom library.

1. Forego a Book Checkout System for Your Classroom Library

From my experience, I’ve found that having an elaborate classroom library book check-out system is not necessary. A few books may get lost or damaged over the course of the year. However, the time necessary to manage a check-out system doesn’t always prevent this from happening. Instead, establish expectations and procedures for respecting the books and using the library.

2. Spread Your Book Collection Around the Classroom

I’ve recently broken my library up and spread it around the classroom. This enables more children to browse comfortably. I have a section for my leveled picture books, a section for my chapter books (organized by series, genre and favorite authors), and a non-fiction section. In addition, I have a section for the text books and reference books (i.e. dictionaries and thesaurus). I love that my kids are “surrounded by literature.”

3. Explicitly Teach Students How to Take Out and Return Books

Plan lessons to teacher your students how to take out and return books.

4. Face Your Books Forward

Find a way to make your books face forward. Students are not likely to select them if the spines are showing. The covers are much more enticing.

5. Rotate Your Books on Display

The fifth on this list of tips for how to set up a classroom library is to rotate your books in a themed section of your library to increase interest and keep things fresh.

6. Create a System for Sorting and Labeling Your Books

Decide how you want to sort and label your books and plan how adding books in the future will affect that.

7. Use Uniform Containers

Using uniform baskets or bins creates an organized and cohesive look.

8. Create a Return Bin

Consider creating a “return bin” for students to put books into. Have a parent volunteer or responsible student librarian return them from there to their actual basket.

9. Set Rules and Guidelines for Using the Library

In my classroom, students are each assigned a day to access the classroom library and pick books for their bag. They may also request a conference with me to discuss what they’ve read and can pick books afterwards.

10. Close Access to the Classroom Library

Add the words, “The classroom library is CLOSED when I am absent to your substitute teacher plans.” Just trust me on this one!

In closing, I hope you found this post about how to set up a classroom library helpful! If you did, you may also be interested in my Clutter-Free Classroom teacher store as well as these posts:

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