Before I share the 3rd grade fraction activities I created, let me share something: having taught fractions to 3rd graders for many years, I know how challenging the concept can be. I had used a couple different math curriculums over the years. They all lacked in several important (and in my opinion, necessary) areas. Most programs my districts provided consisted of a quick introduction and then a couple weeks worth of fractions worksheets. Here’s what was missing: vocabulary, hands-on exploration, seeing fractions presented in different forms and spiral review of the concepts.
Knowing what was missing from the boxed curriculum the school provided, seeing where hundreds of third graders had demonstrated misconceptions over the years, and having researched best practices for math instruction at an advanced level, enabled me to create resources for my own students that truly made a dramatic difference in their test scores. But much more important than test scores, my students fully understood fractions, felt confident in their abilities, were ready to move on to higher-level skills in future grade levels, and could apply the concepts to real-world situations. Learn about the 3rd grade fraction activities I (and 2,200+ other classroom teachers) used with great success below!
What is the Fractions Resource?
This fractions packet contains over 150 pages of materials to use when teaching students about fractions. It includes hands-on materials, visual aides, games, activities, writing projects, center activities, task cards, bulletin board materials and more! I created them to use with my 3rd grade students and second grade son to make math creative and fun. It includes a detailed explanation with photos of how I used these activities in my classroom.
What the Fraction Resource Includes
Use this fractions resource as a stand alone complete two week fraction unit. You can also use it as a complement to strengthen any math curriculum. It includes 20 activities to choose from. This allows all students to have amply opportunity to have their specific learning needs met. In addition to the activities, the resource contains a teaching plan. This includes explanations of each of the fraction projects, fraction games, and fraction activities. Below is a list of what’s included in this fraction resource.
- teacher guide that provides an overview of the resource and suggests how to implement it in your classroom
- schema chart to activate students’ prior knowledge
- KWL graphic organizer to determine prior knowledge, collect questions, and document learning
- vocabulary cards to support instruction
- 20 printable games and activities to use for direct instruction and math centers
Why Teachers Love These Fraction Activities
Below are 5 reasons why teachers love these 3rd grade fraction activities.
- This fractions resource includes differentiated materials, so you can meet the needs of all of your learners and help all students feel successful.
- This resource includes tons of hands-on learning experiences, which will help students develop a strong conceptual understanding of fractions and make this challenging concept accessible.
- The abundance of resources (150+ pages) offers students many opportunities to practice working with fractions.
- Students will be highly engaged in their learning through the games and activities in this resource.
- It is a print-and-go resource, which will save you tons of time prepping!
How to Incorporate Ongoing Practice of Fractions
I faced another problem when I used the boxed math curriculum. My students would forget what they had learned over time. This was because I introduced a topic, we practiced it for a few days, I assessed them and then we moved on. This meant we would then need to take time from class for “test prep” later in the year. I never felt great about their level of retention. I solved that problem by creating my own system for ongoing spiral review in math.
Spiral review was KEY to…
- helping students who had demostrated proficiency retain their knowledge
- letting students who had not quite grasped concepts when they were introduced to have repeated opportunities for practice until mastery
- allowing me easy, ongoing assessment of student abilities which I then used to form focus groups for small group instruction during math workshop
- making it easy to provide consistent homework routines for families
Fractions are a big part of each of the monthly spiral reviews.
Many teachers find fractions to be a challenging concept to teach. Students who excel with computation skills sometimes struggle when it comes to fractions and geometry. I am confident that by teaching your students the vocabulary and providing them with hands-on, creative activities to practice the concepts you will see huge gains in their understanding of fractions. You may even find it to be a really enjoyable topic to teach!
The 3rd Grade Math Spiral Review resources are available in our Teachers Pay Teachers store, 3rd Grade Math Club, and Elementary Math Resource Collection.
Fraction Read Alouds for 3rd Grade Teachers
Incorporating more math literature into your math lessons is a great way to introduce a new math topic and engage your students. Be sure to check out a list of my favorite math picture books for elementary teachers. This list includes books for teaching fractions! You can either borrow books from a teacher next door, your school library or public library. Another option is to buy them on Amazon or from a local used book store.
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