The fantasy genre is so fun to explore and discuss with students! This post shares Fantasy Picture Books that you can use for this purpose. All of the picture books on this list lend themselves to this topic really well. Take a peek below to learn more about these Fantasy Picture Books!

4 Fantasy Picture Books
Below is a list of some of our favorite Fantasy Picture Books to share with elementary students. Check them out!
1. Thelma the Unicorn by Aaron Blabey
Thelma the Unicorn by Aaron Blabey is about a horse named Thelma who so badly wants to be a unicorn. She likes spending time on the farm with her friend Otis, but still dreams of being a unicorn. One day she sees a carrot and puts it on her head like a horn and a passing truck spills pink paint and glitter all over her. She looks like a unicorn and becomes famous.
At first Thelma liked being famous. However, soon Thelma realizes that pretending to be a unicorn isn’t as good as it seems. People start chasing her everywhere and won’t leave her alone. Some even say mean things about her. She becomes very lonely and decides to go back home to Otis.
Thelma realizes that it is better to stay true to herself than pretend to be somebody else. Check out these Thelma the Unicorn teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!
2. Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima
This story is about Kelp, a creature in the ocean that lives amongst the narwhals. From a young age, he knew he was different from the others. He could not swim, he did not like the same foods, and his tusks were not as long. Nonetheless, he loved his friends and they loved him.
One day, a current came and swept him to shore. he found a unicorn and realized he was one of them! They looked the same and even loved the same foods. After a while, he realized he missed his friends below the ocean. He returned to be greeted by a beautiful banner and welcoming friends!
Over time, Kelp has to decide if he should stay with his narwhal friends or return to shore with his unicorns. In the end, he decides to bring his two worlds together and create a beautiful, magical, utopia where all are welcome!
Check out these Not Quite Narwhal teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!
3. How to Catch a Mermaid by Adam Wallace
A young girl wanted to catch a mermaid so she could be her best friend. They could explore, play, and even build a mermaid city!
The girl gathers a team, hits the tide pools, and starts to set a trap. From treasure chests to crowns, the mermaid-catching team was set. That is, until the mermaid outsmarted them! She switched necklaces with rocks, and sharks even came out to scare them off!
The sharks followed the children into a ship, and right before they were doomed, the mermaid came out to save them! They bid her goodbye and returned safely to land.
Check out these How to Catch a Mermaid teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!
4. Dear Dragon by Josh Funk
Two students from different worlds pick each other as pen pals. One is a human, and one is a dragon- but they do not know that. They both do not like writing, but quickly enjoy it as they talk to each other. Sharing about favorite activities, hobbies, and families, the two create a bond. They are excited to learn more about each other and learn about their similarities and differences.
At the end of the story, the dragon and human finally get to meet at a picnic. They learn that they are completely different species! The two agree to keep writing to one another beyond the school year.
Check out these Dear Dragon teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!
Grab the Free Reading Resources!
In closing, we hope you found this list of Fantasy Picture Books helpful! They are part of our Starts With a Story collection. If you want to get more book ideas to read aloud to your elementary students, then grab this reading freebie. It includes read aloud books lists, reading logs, and reading challenges for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom teachers. It will have you covered for the entire school year, as well as the summer months! Grab this free elementary reading packet now!