
Classroom Job Chart for Elementary Teachers in 2025

As teachers, we know that offering students responsibility and a sense of community is very important. It absolutely is, but so is your sanity. As a result, I created this classroom job chart for student jobs and have compiled my best tips for managing student jobs in your classroom. This makes it easy to offer students a feeling of belonging and togetherness in a manageable way.

Jobs in my classroom have evolved over time. I started with an elaborate system involving a rotating sunflower which took me an absurd number of hours to create. The system involved students receiving new jobs each day. I’ll skip all the middle stages and tell you about where I am now.

In my classroom, everyone has a job. However, they are gainfully employed in that position for a very long time. I no longer rotate the jobs so that each student does every job at some point. Instead, students are matched with jobs that they express interest in and I feel is a good fit for them. This allows me to take the time to really teach them how to do the job well and it becomes a routine for them. This means your classroom will run very smoothly.

When I rotated jobs too often, my friends would forget to do their job or else wouldn’t know exactly what the role involved. The consistency of keeping the same job means that everyone has a special part in helping our room to function. They are ALL responsible for cleaning up the classroom at the end of the day when we play Find It Fix It. I also have a “helper of the day” and that person does everything else for the day (help with odd jobs, erase the white board, etc).

When I do change jobs (maybe 3 times a year), each student is responsible for training their replacement. I couldn’t be more happy about this system.

I do still have a classroom job chart. It just doesn’t change very often. Learn more about it below!

classroom job chart

What is a Classroom Job Chart?

A classroom job chart is a display that communicates what students’ jobs or responsibilities are.

What is Included in My Classroom Job Chart?

My classroom job chart resource includes the following:

  • tips for managing classroom jobs
  • photo instructions for easy assembly
  • 30 programmed job cards
  • editable job cards
  • editable student name cards

Why Teachers Love Classroom Job Charts

Teachers love classroom job charts because of the following reasons:

  • Classroom job charts empower students to be active members in the learning community.
  • Students learn responsibility and to clean up after themselves.
  • Students feel good that they are helping the teacher and contributing in some way.
  • They appreciate the work that the adults do in the building (custodian, lunch staff, etc.).
  • Using it helps keep classrooms looking neat and organized.
classroom job chart display

10 Tips for Managing Student Jobs

Below are 10 tips for managing student jobs.

1. Keep it simple.

Classroom jobs should improve the function of your classroom and provide children with a sense of being helpful. If you create a system that is too complicated or changes too often you run the risk of the jobs actually creating more work for you along with unwanted chaos.

2. Consider what you need help with.

Select classroom jobs that will be useful to your specific classroom needs.

3. Think about safety and school policy.

Having an “electrician” in charge of plugging in an overhead or a “table washer” using cleaning products with chemicals might not be allowed in some schools. Always use caution. If you include tasks like this you may want to consider drafting a parent permission slip before assigning the job.

4. Don’t start classroom jobs the first month of school.

Don’t start classroom jobs until you get to know your students each year. It’s very helpful to match students with jobs that best suit them as individuals.

5. Think about ways a job may benefit a child.

Encouraging your shy student to be responsible for being the classroom greeter or answering the phone may help to bring them out of their shell. Having your spirited little guy be your messenger would be a great way to work in some movement breaks throughout the day.

6. Think about ways a job may benefit you.

If you have a student that needs monitoring more than others, make them the line leader. This will keep them close by and limit off task behavior in the hallways.

7. Don’t let your job chart consume too much prime wall real estate.

Students don’t need to be able to see it all the time. In fact, it can be a distraction as kids love knowing what others are doing and reading their peers’ names. Find an out-of-the-way location that students can access when they need to.

8. Match students with jobs that are appropriate.

A job requiring increased responsibility and organization should be completed by a student possessing those skills (i.e. managing the classroom library). Students who struggle in that area would be better suited for a job that is completed without remembering (i.e. turning off the lights when you are going to use the Smartboard).

9. Be aware of confidentiality.

Although it may seem like a good idea to have students put stickers on corrected assignments or check in homework, it exposes them to others’ work and progress.

10. Take the time to write out a thorough job description that makes your expectations clear.

Much like having a procedures and routines manual, this will be a valuable document in ensuring that everything gets done as intended. It will also be an asset to a substitute teacher filling in for you.

classroom job chart display

How to Make a Classroom Job Chart

Below are simple directions for how to make a classroom job chart.

1. Download the Classroom Job Chart Resource

This classroom job chart resource is available in my Clutter-Free Classroom Teachers Pay Teachers store. It is also available as part of my classroom management bundle. Download it to access tons of printables, tips, and ideas!

classroom job chart display Classroom management resource

2. Read the Tips and Ideas Included in the Packet

This classroom job chart resource includes tons of tips and ideas to help you create your classroom job chart. I recommend starting there!

3. Gather Supplies

Gather the following supplies: A package of library pockets (these come in so many colors and patterns), colored card stock, hot glue gun/glue sticks, framed cork board, fabric, and ribbon.

4. Customize and Print the Materials

The resources included in this classroom job packet are editable. Use what’s already included in the packet or customize it to fit your individual needs.

3. Assemble the Display

Print out the job titles and attach them to the library pockets.

Although the pockets are usually self-adhesive, they don’t really hold in the long term. Prior to “committing” them to a location on the board with hot glue, use a single staple to hold them in place.

When you are happy with the alignment of the pockets, glue them all down and remove the staples.

Finally, add the title at the top. To use the chart, simply slide cards or popsicle sticks with the students’ names or numbers into the pockets.

directions for how to assemble a classroom job chart
directions for how to assemble a classroom job chart

We hope you found this post about how to implement a classroom job chart helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in these posts:

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