
Teacher Binder Ideas for Getting Ready for Back to School in 2024

Before I get into sharing lots of teacher binder ideas, let’s pause for a second. If you are reading this, you are likely thinking about…

Back. to. school. Three little words that elicit some pretty strong reactions. When kids hear them they groan. When parents hear them they cheer wildly. And when teachers hear them their heads spin, their heartbeat increases and they often break out in a cold sweat. Because let’s be honest… There is so much to remember, do, create, gather, and prepare.

Some teachers choose to bury their heads (and toes… literally) in the sand and turn away singing, “La la la I can’t see you” as they walk by the school supply displays overtaking the stores until the last minute. Others spend the entire summer planning for the new year. Either way, the first day of school will come and we all need to be ready.

To avoid reinventing the wheel each year and scrambling to find your resources, printables, and ideas, it is a great idea to create a back to school binder to house everything you need in one central location. While I am often an advocate for “going digital” and using paperless files on the computer, this is one area that seems to work best with hard copies. Scoop up tons of teacher binder ideas below!

tips for creating a back to school teacher binder

What is a Back to School Teacher Binder?

A back to school teacher binder is an organization tool that houses all of the information and resources teachers need for the start of the new school year. It keeps everything in one central location. It serves as a working document and an archive. Store photos, past creations, and printables that need to be copied in it. Additionally, it’s a tool for making your lists.

Why Do Teachers Need a Back to School Binder?

Elementary teachers need a back to school binder because it helps avoid reinventing the wheel each year and scrambling to find your resources, printables, and ideas for the new school year. You’ll be able to start the new school year confidently and less stressed.

How to Make a Back to School Teacher Binder

Below are 6 steps for how to make a back to school teacher binder.

1. Download the Back to School Binder Resource

The Back to School Teacher Binder is available in my Clutter-Free Classroom Teachers Pay Teachers store.

2. Gather All of the Materials

In order to create your back to school binder, you will need the following items:

You can also use these items:

  • pencil pouch
  • plastic sheet protectors
  • notebook filler paper
  • 12×12 scrapbook paper or wrapping paper
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3. Select and Print the Pages You Want to Use from the Resource

Select and print the cover, spine insert, and tabs you would like to use from the back to school teacher binder resource.

4. Put Together the Binder Tabs

If you are laminating the tabs, laminate them and cut them out. Use a strong glue and attach the tabs to either card stock, plastic page protectors, or notebook paper by staggering them down the right side.

If you are using clear packing tape, cut out each of the tabs, fold in half, and secure them to either card stock, plastic page protectors, or notebook paper by staggering them down the right side.

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5. Insert the Binder Cover and Spine

Insert the binder cover and the spine you selected. You may want to first insert a larger piece of scrapbook paper or decorative wrapping paper to fill the background prior to putting in the inserts.

6. Customize It to Fit Your Needs

Make it your own! You may want to add in a pencil pouch to house writing tools and a flash drive for storing your back to school digital files.

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8 Tips for Using a Back to School Teacher Binder

  1. As you come across ideas you may want to use, jot them down in the binder. 
  2. Use the binder to make lists of things you need to do to prepare for the new year.
  3. Attach sticky notes onto printables that need to be copied with copy instructions.
  4. Revisit your lists after school begins to add anything you may have overlooked that will be helpful next year. 
  5. Use the front pocket to store things that will change annually such as a list of student names, student-teacher contact info, etc.
  6. Keep extra notebook paper in the binder for additional lists and ideas.
  7. Take photos of your room and creations as you set up for the new year. Either save them on an included flash drive or print hard copies and put them into the binder.
  8. Remember there is no right or wrong way to use this. It should become a useful tool for you. Find ways to make it work to meet your need! Have fun and best wishes for a successful school year!

In closing, we hope you found these back to school teacher binder ideas helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in these posts:

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