
Aaron Reynolds Books and Activities for Elementary Teachers in 2025

October is a great time to discuss and explore Aaron Reynolds’ creepy books collections, but really you can do this any time of the year. This post shares Aaron Reynolds books that you can use for this purpose. All of the picture books on this list lend themselves to this topic really well. Take a peek below to learn more about these Aaron Reynolds books!

Aaron Reynolds read alouds

3 Aaron Reynolds Books

Below is a list of some of our favorite Aaron Reynolds books to share with elementary students. Check them all out out!

1. Creepy Pair of Underwear by Aaron Reynolds

Jasper the rabbit needed new underwear, so he and his mother took a trip to the underwear store. In addition to the three packs of Plain White his mother bought, Jasper picked out a pair of creepy underwear. He was so excited to wear them that he wore them to bed that night. However, once the lights were out Jasper realized the green, ghoulish glow coming from his creepy underwear. He tried to put them in the bottom of the hamper, but woke up wearing them!

Throughout the book, Jasper tried various ways to get rid of his creepy pair of underwear but they just kept coming back. Finally, Jasper buried them deep in the ground, but that’s when he realized how dark his room was without the underwear. He went back outside to dig them up and even bought more pairs of creepy underwear the next day to add to the green glow in his room. 

Check out these Creepy Pair of Underwear teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!

Creepy Pair of Underwear book cover Creepy Pair of Underwear activity

2. Creepy Crayon by Aaron Reynolds

Jasper Rabbit is not doing well in school. He struggles in math, spelling… basically everything but art. One day, he finds a purple crayon in the gutter. It was perfectly pointy, and once he brings it home, the purple crayon seems to show up everywhere! The crayon follows him to school, and when he writes with it, Jasper gets everything right!

Everywhere Jasper looks, the crayon is there. Will he ever get rid of the crayon? And- what happens if he does? This story is a fun read and a great mentor text to discuss effort and resilience in the classroom!

Check out these Creepy Crayon teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!

Creepy Crayon book cover Creepy Crayon activity

3. Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds

In the story Creepy Carrots, the main character is Jasper Rabbit. Jasper loves carrots, specifically the kind from Crackenhopper Field. Jasper eats as many carrots from that field as he can, as often as he can. 

One day, Jasper notices that the carrots are creepily following them. He sees them hiding in his house! This really scares Jasper, so he hatches a plan to trap the carrots in Crackenhopper Field. In a turn of events, the carrots are happy to be trapped, and it was their plan all along to get Jasper to leave them alone. 

Students will love this story about a rabbit who finds himself being followed by carrots! Check out these Creepy Carrots teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!

Creepy Carrots book cover Creepy Carrots activity

Get All of the Book Activities for Aaron Reynolds Creepy Series!

Scoop up all of the activity packets based on the picture books featured in this post!

Or Get All of the Activity Packets for 600+ Picture Books!

Starts with a Story is a collection of hundreds of book companions based on high quality children’s literature that support you in delivering highly-engaging interactive read alouds with follow up activities. Each book companion includes:

  • reading comprehension questions with sample student responses
  • 30 writing prompts targeting 10 different types of writing
  • SEL lesson ideas based on character and events from each story
  • printable student activities
  • editable teaching slides with book-based clipart
  • and more.

Learn how to get unlimited access to all 600+ book companion packets below!

Starts With a Story Collection

One Last Thing Before You Go… Grab this Free Reading Resource!

If you want to get more book ideas to read aloud to your elementary students, then grab this reading freebie for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom teachers. It includes:

  • seasonal read aloud books lists for teachers
  • printable reading logs to track students’ reading
  • monthly reading challenges to motivate students to read more

It will have you covered for the entire school year, as well as the summer months! Grab this free elementary reading packet now!

printable monthly reading logs

In closing, we hope you found this list of Aaron Reynolds books and activities helpful! If you are a member of Starts With a Story, you have access to all of these book companion activities. Do you want more book recommendations? Check out this massive list of mentor texts for elementary teachers!

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The Recess Queen book cover
Try this free Starts With a Story book companion based on Alexis O'Neill's picture book, The Recess Queen!