
Teacher Evaluation Binder: How to Organize the Evidence Paperwork in 2024

I am a National Board Certified Teacher. My heart still pounds when I think of that roller coaster experience. It was by far the most challenging and most rewarding thing I have done professionally. But holy cow… the paperwork! So not only do you need to be the “highly effective” rockstar teacher that you already are, but you also need to keep a paper trail to prove just how awesome you are. I will forego the obvious commentary because it doesn’t need to be said and instead just share what works for me in terms of documenting the evidence and organizing it in my teacher evaluation binder.

How to Organize Evidence for your Teacher Evaluation

Below are 5 steps for organizing evidence for your teacher evaluation.

1. Become familiar with the expectations for your state.

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the expectations for your state. I’m in Massachusetts and our Educator Evaluation System looks a bit different than other states. Some use the Danielson framework for Teaching Evaluation and I am sure there are even more. Checking your district or state education website should be a good resource to get started.

2. Create a teacher evaluation evidence binder.

Designate a binder to the process. Create cover sheets in page protectors or tabbed dividers to section off the various pieces of evidence you collect. As you find evidence, add it to the binder. Learn more about my teacher evaluation evidence binder!

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3. Create a digital portfolio folder on your computer.

Keep a digital portfolio on your computer of additional evidence. To do so create a folder titled, “Teacher Evaluation” with folders inside for each of the areas you need evidence for. Save parent emails, pdfs of lessons, photos, video clips and anything else you deem worthy into the folders so they will be easily accessible if needed.

4. Save copies of everything you can use as evidence.

Save copies of everything and anything that you feel offers evidence. Parent newsletters, open house packets, meeting agendas, etc. Store the copies directly in your teacher evaluation evidence binder!

While not all districts want you to pull a wagon full of evidence into their administrative offices, I feel it is best to over-document for your own sake and then pick and choose what you share based on their expectations.

5. Take pictures of anything you can use as evidence.

Take pictures of your projects, plans, bulletin boards, etc. This is a quick and easy to way to show all of the great work your students have been doing this year. You can stick these pictures directly in your teacher evaluation evidence binder!

Oh the dreaded teacher evaluation binder! Read to find out how to make the evaluation portfolio process easier.
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