
Writing About the Seasons Projects for Elementary Teachers – 2025

Are you looking for a creative and efficient way to track your students’ writing progress throughout the school year? These Writing about the Seasons projects are the perfect tool! They are designed to help you capture snapshots of your students’ current writing abilities and tailor your lessons to meet their needs. With activities for autumn, winter, spring, and summer, you’ll be able to document growth over time. By the end of the year, you’ll have a comprehensive portfolio of each student’s writing skills development. Learn more below!

writing about the seasons project

What are the Writing about the Seasons Projects?

Throughout the school year, you’ll want to capture snapshots of your students’ current writing abilities so that you can design lessons based on your students’ needs. This seasonal writing bundle helps you do just that! You can track student progress using these autumn writing activitieswinter writing activitiesspring writing activities, and summer writing activities. At the end of the school year, you’ll have four writing samples that show your students’ growth in writing.

The following resources are included in the seasonal writing bundle:

  • 4 seasonal writing activities that help you document student growth throughout the course of a school year
  • printables for all parts of the writing process (brainstorm, draft, and final draft) so you don’t need to supplement with additional resources
  • multiple stationery options so you can differentiate based on your students’ needs
  • 3 versions of photos and illustration templates per season so you can choose which one you like best
  • rubrics that help make expectations clear to students and make grading quick and easy for you
  • self-assessment activities that help you guide students through reflecting on the experiences
  • feedback forms to help you identify student strengths, set goals for each student, and develop future lessons
  • teacher guides to walk you through how to implement the resources in your classroom
  • digital versions of all the resources so students can access them at home or in school

What are the Benefits of Using the Writing about the Seasons Projects?

Below are some of the reasons elementary classroom teachers love this writing resource:

  • The resources document student progress over the course of a school year, which make them great for including in writing portfolios and sharing with families during parent-teacher conferences.
  • This resource includes print and go resources, which saves you lots of time planning and prepping.
  • Included are clear instructions, expectations, and rubric guidelines for students, so it makes it easy for students to understand the criteria for quality writing.
  • They serve as great formative assessment tools that can be used year after year.
  • They come in digital and printable formats so students can access them in class and at home.

How Can Teachers Use the Writing about the Seasons Projects?

Use these writing resources for any of the following:

  • benchmark assessments
  • evidence for report cards
  • samples for parent-teacher conferences
  • whole group lessons
  • writing centers
  • sub plans

Writing about the Seasons Projects

Autumn Writing Project

At the beginning of the school year, you’ll want to capture a snapshot of your students’ current writing abilities so that you can design lessons based on your students’ needs. This autumn writing activity helps you do just that! You can continue to track student progress using these winter, spring, and summer writing activities. At the end of the school year, you’ll have four writing samples that show your students’ growth in writing.

autumn writing activities
autumn writing activities
autumn writing activities
autumn writing activities
autumn writing activities

Winter Writing Project

In the middle of the school year, you’ll want to capture a snapshot of your students’ current writing abilities so that you can design lessons based on your students’ needs. This winter writing resource helps you do just that! You can continue to track student progress using these spring, summer, and autumn writing activities. At the end of the school year, you’ll have four writing samples that show your students’ growth in writing.

winter writing activities
winter writing activities
winter writing activities
winter writing activities

Spring Writing Project

At the end of the school year, you’ll want to capture a snapshot of your students’ current writing abilities so that you can design lessons based on your students’ needs. This spring writing activity helps you do just that! You can continue to track student progress using these summer, autumn, and winter writing activities. At the end of the school year, you’ll have four writing samples that show your students’ growth in writing.

spring writing activities
spring writing activities
spring writing activities
spring writing activities
spring writing activities

Summer Writing Project

During the summer, you’ll want to capture a snapshot of your students’ current writing abilities so that you can design lessons based on your students’ needs. This summer writing activity helps you do just that! You can continue to track student progress using these autumn, winter, and spring writing activities. At the end of the school year, you’ll have four writing samples that show your students’ growth in writing.

summer writing project
summer writing project
summer writing project
summer writing project
summer writing project
summer writing project

In closing, we hope you found this information about our writing about the seasons projects helpful! If you did, then you may also be interested in these other posts:

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Winter Opinion Writing FREEBIE!

Grab this freebie and engage your students in a fun seasonal activity. It’s a great way to practice opinion writing.