Are you looking for a fun and engaging St. Patrick’s Day writing activity? This Disguise a Leprechaun Writing Project is a fun way to get students fully immersed in the holiday. Students craft stories or descriptions detailing their leprechaun’s disguise. Learn more about this Leprechaun’s Day writing project below!
Leprechaun in Disguise Writing Activity
One of our seasonal writing resources we offer is our Leprechaun in Disguise Writing and Craft Project. Learn more about what it is, what it includes, why teachers love it, and how you can use it in your classroom below.
What is the Leprechaun in Disguise Writing Activity?
The Leprechaun in Disguise Project is a fun and engaging writing and craft activity. “Turkey in Disguise” was one of the very first resources I added to my Teacher Shop and has always been very popular. I created it for my own second grade classroom as a first year teacher and used it each November with every kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade class I taught. For that reason, the packet includes differentiated versions so it can be used in multiple grade levels and for differentiation within your own classroom. Over time, I have added different versions (Easter Bunny, Gingerbread Friend, Leprechaun, and more).
This resource includes:
- standards-alignment (CCSS, TEKS and space for you to add your own if they differ)
- 2 family letter options (one of which has students creating the writing activity at home and the other one simply explains the project that students are working on at school), which helps you strengthen your relationship with students’ families
- craft templates for students to decorate which increases student engagement and motivates students to complete their writing tasks
- brainstorming activities that help students generate ideas for their writing
- graphic organizers that support students in organizing and sequencing their ideas and guide their writing
- differentiated draft paper templates with adequate space for you and your students to make edits
- thematic publishing paper templates that are differentiated for easy modifications to meet your students needs and look great displayed on bulletin boards, in writing portfolios, or in a class book
- 2 class book cover options so you can create a keepsake that your students can look at throughout the school year
- bulletin board letters for your wall displays or door decor
Why Teachers Love This Leprechaun in Disguise Writing Activity
Some of the reasons elementary teachers love this resource are listed below.
- This resource is a great way to celebrate the holiday, as the lesson ideas and activities are purposeful and engaging learning opportunities.
- It can be used to teach persuasive, opinion and descriptive paragraph writing, so you can choose which one best aligns with your curriculum.
- It includes differentiated options that lend themselves to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students, so you can differentiate to meet the diverse needs in your classroom and continue to use the resource even if you switch grade levels.
- It includes no-prep printable resources which makes it the perfect activity for busy teachers
- The finished projects make a great display and the letters and accents to create an adorable bulletin board are included.
5 Ways Teachers Use this Writing Activity
Below are the different ways elementary teachers use this writing activity in their classroom:
- seasonal writing project
- whole group writing lessons
- writing centers
- sub plans
- seasonal bulletin board display
Related Leprechaun Activities
Below are some other popular leprechaun activities you might be interested in.
Leprechaun Read Alouds
Below are some popular read alouds about leprechauns that you might find pair well.
In closing, we hope you found this post about our popular Leprechaun in Disguise Writing Activity for elementary students helpful. If you did, then you may also be interested in these other posts: