
Teacher Checklists: The Secret to Cracking the Classroom Management Code in 2024

Organizing and managing a classroom can be overwhelming at times. One tool that I swear by for staying on top of things is teacher checklists. I use them all the time. We all do. That’s why it makes sense to have a go to checklist for all purposes like these multipurpose checklists. Read below to learn more about teacher checklists and how you can use them in your elementary classroom.

What are Checklists?

Checklists are a very simple tool that help teachers organize and track information quickly.

How can Checklists be used by Teachers?

Below are some examples of how checklists can be used by elementary teachers. They are great classroom management tools. These multipurpose checklists are great for these tasks.

  • attendance
  • tracking who has completed assignments
  • grades and assessments
  • field trips
  • collecting supplies
  • tracking behaviors
  • misc data collection
  • taking turns
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3 Teacher Checklist Ideas

Below are 3 ideas for making the most of your teacher checklists.

1. Designate a specific location for storing your class checklists.

I highly recommend a tabbed section in your teacher organization binder, but you may want to create a smaller binder specifically for checklists with tabbed sections signaling what each section is about. 

A second option is to keep them on a clipboard.

Another option is to print a single copy and slide it into a plastic page protector. This will allow you to use a dry erase marker to check things off and reuse the same list over and over. This will save you lots of paper and ink.

You could also print a single copy and put it into a frame. The frame can sit on your desk or teacher table for easy access.

2. Share your checklists with specialist teachers.

Provide a set of checklists to the art, music, and physical education teachers with your students names on them so they can use them with your class.

3. Invite your students to use checklists.

Checklists are a great tool for student use. Place them in centers or workstations for students to checkoff when they have completed a task. I use them as part of my daily Guided Math Workshop.

Consider placing them next to the area where students turn in work and have them check off their name under the assignment they are turning in.

Teacher Checklists Resources

I have created a Multipurpose Class Checklist Packet. It includes a PDF for you to handwrite student names and assignments, assessments, etc. The packet also includes a list using numbers instead of names. Using student numbers is another handy management tip that will save you time. Each of the forms in the packet comes in a choice of 30 different stylish patterns to match any classroom theme or color scheme.

Do you love checklists like the Clutter Free Classroom? Try out these classroom management ideas, strategies, routines, procedures, techniques, tips and more to track data! checklist for elementary teachers
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