
RAN Assessment: What Elementary Teachers Need to Know about It in 2024

Are you hearing more and more people reference RAN data, but unsure what exactly this is? You are not alone! There are so many assessments used to support reading instruction. Read on to learn about the RAN assessment and what it means in regards to reading development.

What is RAN in Reading?

RAN stands for Rapid Automatic Naming.

What Does RAN measure?

The RAN assessment measures how quickly and accurately students can name a set of items that are familiar. Oftentimes, this can include colors, letters, numbers, and objects. 

Why is Rapid Automatic Naming Assessed?

The RAN assessment can act as a good predictor for future challenges with reading. Professionals also use RAN to screen students for learning disabilities, such as dyslexia. 

What Does Poor Rapid Naming Mean?

If a child has poor rapid naming, it most likely means they may struggle with word-level reading. 

What Type of Assessment is RAN?

The RAN assessment can be used as a monitoring tool to track students’ progress in regards to fluency. In many districts, the RAN is given at the beginning and end of the school years, especially in Kindergarten and First Grade.

Why is RAN Important for Reading?

The RAN is important for reading not only to predict future reading challenges, but to also identify accuracy versus automaticity. Students who are not accurate may need specific programming, while others who are not automatic may require fluency practice.

As Rapid Naming directly relates to reading efficiency, most screeners for dyslexia include some form of this assessment. 

Can Rapid Automatic Naming Be Improved?

Rapid Automatic Naming can be improved, but can not be directly taught. Avoid resources that say their activities improve Rapid Naming scores! RAN can be improved by specific teaching of phonics skills and repeated readings.  

3 Tips for Administering the RAN Assessment

Below are 3 tips for administering the RAN assessment.

1. Complete the Prerequisites

Since the RAN tests are assessing students’ fluency, the objects and symbols need to be known! These assessments are not measuring vocabulary. Be sure to check and see if students know the objects, letters, numbers, and colors provided.

2. Keep Your Clipboard Up

Timers can really stress out children. Try to use an inverted clipboard so students do not see the timer, or your tracking form. 

3. Record All Errors

Be sure to write all errors down to track for patterns! Assessments are meant to provide you with lots of information about your student. Be sure to not only track automaticity, but accuracy as well. 

In closing, we hope you found this RAN assessment post helpful! We have other related posts

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