
Monthly Writing Prompts for Elementary Students in 2025

Monthly writing prompts are a great way to engage your students and motivate them to practice their writing skills throughout the year. The topics are relevant to what they are experiencing in real time, so they are interested in exploring the topic and writing about it. Learn more about monthly writing prompts below!

What are Writing Prompts?

Writing prompts are topics that students base their writing off of. It can be a word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, quote, symbol, image, object, or action. The purpose of a writing prompt is to invite students to write about a topic using their schema.

What are the Different Genres of Writing Prompts?

There are tons of different kinds of writing prompts including the following: Creative, informative, opinion, narrative, procedural, descriptive, review, persuasive, poetry, and letter writing.

What are Examples of Writing Prompts?

Below are some examples of writing prompts.

Creative Writing Prompts

  • When I found my pet in my backpack at school, I…
  • I bit into my lunch and was shocked to find…
  • We knew getting a ___ as a pet wasn’t a good idea, but…

Informative Writing Prompts

  • Research and writing an informative piece about your favorite animal.
  • Teach a kindergartener about something you know a lot about.
  • Explain what school is to your younger self.

Opinion Writing Prompts

  • Do you think there should be school on Fridays? Why or why not?
  • What is your favorite season? Why?
  • What month would you want your birthday in? Explain why.

Narrative Writing Prompts

  • Write about something that happened at school yesterday.
  • Tell about a time you had a lot of fun at recess. What did you do? Who were you with?
  • Share a time you were a really good friend or someone was a really good friend to you.

Procedural Writing Prompts

  • Explain how to get ready for school in the morning to a kindergartener about to start school.
  • Give step-by-step directions for how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
  • Teach your younger self how to make your bed.

Descriptive Writing Prompts

  • Describe what your home looks like.
  • Explain in detail what your favorite toy or book looks like.
  • Describe what your favorite food tastes like.

Review Writing Prompts

  • Write a review of a book that you have read this month.
  • Write a review of your school.
  • Give a review of the last movie you saw.

Persuasive Writing Prompts

  • Pretend you are running for class president. How could you persuade people to vote for you?
  • Persuade your teacher to not assign homework for tonight.
  • Convince a friend who doesn’t like vegetables to try carrots for the first time.

Poetry Writing Prompts

  • Write an acrostic poem for the month you were born in.
  • Write a poem about your favorite sport or activity.
  • Create a haiku about your favorite color.

Letter Writing Prompts

  • Write a letter to your firmed about what you did last weekend.
  • Pretend you are your pet. Write a letter to yourself from them.
  • Write a letter to a family member or friend you don’t see very often.

Why are Writing Prompts Important?

Writing prompts are important for elementary teachers to incorporate because they are fun and engaging ways for students to practice their writing skills. They help motivate even the most reluctant writers to practice their writing skills. Most importantly, using daily writing prompts facilitates opportunities for students to practice their writing skills every day. The more students write, the better they will get at it and the more confident and successful they will feel.

Monthly Writing Prompts Resources

Learn about the monthly writing prompts resources below.

What is the Monthly Writing Prompts Bundle?

This year-long monthly writing prompt bundle contains 10 months worth of writing activities that cover the following writing genres: Creative, informative, opinion, narrative, procedural, descriptive, review, persuasive, poetry, and letter writing. These monthly writing prompts are designed to provide students with regular writing practice, teach a systematic approach to writing, and build a love of writing amongst students. These monthly printables will transform your young authors into excellent writers!

writing prompts for 10 months out of the year
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What is Included in the Monthly Writing Prompts?

The monthly writing prompts bundle includes the following:

Writing Journal Covers and Table of Contents for Each Month

This monthly writing prompt resource includes 4 cover options for each month so you can choose which one fits you and your students’ needs best. In addition, it includes table of contents printables for students to use to organize their many pieces of writing.

Thematic Paper for Each Month

The monthly writing prompt bundle includes 6 versions of thematic writing paper for each month, so you can differentiate based on your students’ needs.

Lists of Writing Prompts for Each Month

There are a collection of lists of prompts for each month. Each month has a list of prompts for the following writing genres: Creative, informative, opinion, narrative, procedural, descriptive, review, persuasive, poetry, and letter writing prompts. Having these lists will ensure your students engage with lots of different types of writing throughout the school year

Assessment Tools for Each Month

The monthly writing prompt bundle includes tons of assessment tools. First, it includes rubrics that help make expectations clear to students and make grading quick and easy for you. Second, it includes self-assessment activities that help you guide students through reflecting on the experiences. Third, there are feedback forms to help you identify student strengths, set goals for each student, and develop future lessons.

Digital Versions of All the Resources

There are digital versions of all the resources so students can access them in school and at home.

Learn about the individual monthly writing prompts included in the bundle below.

January writing prompts resource February writing prompts March writing prompts April writing prompts May writing prompts
June writing prompts September writing prompts October Writing Prompts November writing prompts December writing prompts

In closing, we hope you found this information about monthly writing prompts helpful! If you did then check out these other writing posts:

elementary writing collection

If you are interested in accessing all of our writing resources (including this writing prompt bundle), then we recommend checking out our Elementary Writing Resource Collection. You can learn more about it below!

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Winter Opinion Writing FREEBIE!

Grab this freebie and engage your students in a fun seasonal activity. It’s a great way to practice opinion writing.