
Ezra Jack Keats Activities for His Most Popular Books – 2025

March is a great time to discuss and explore Ezra Jack Keats because that’s when his birthday is, but really you can do this any time of the year. This post shares Ezra Jack Keats Activities that you can use for this purpose. All of the picture books on this list lend themselves to this topic really well. Take a peek below to learn more about these Ezra Jack Keats Activities!

Ezra Jack Keats read alouds

Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats

Peter’s Chair is a coming-of-age picture book that many children with siblings can connect to. Peter is constantly reminded of the new baby in his house, Susie. He has to play quietly, help his family, and even give his sister his old furniture. Peter sees his family painting the crib, cradle, and even the high chair pink for his sister. While they are not looking, he takes his old baby chair and his trusting dog to run away. Landing close to home, he sits in his baby chair and realizes he is much too big! His mom then makes something special for lunch and Peter returns, but not without playing a little trick! With this, he realizes that his baby sister is a new member of their family, and helps his dad to paint his last remaining piece of baby furniture pink.

Check out these Peter’s Chair teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!

Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats

Whistle for Willie is about a boy named Peter who wants to learn how to whistle. He sees a boy whistle and his dog come running after him and Peter wants to be able to do that with his dog Willie. Peter tries to whistle but nothing comes out. 

Throughout the story Peter practices and practices how to whistle. At the end of the book, Peter finally learns how to whistle after all of his hard work. Peter whistles for Willie, and Willie comes running.

Check out these Whistle for Willie teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!

The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats

One morning, Peter wakes up and looks out his window. He is excited to see that it had snowed! Everything he can see is covered in snow. Peter eats his breakfast and heads outside. He crunches through the snow, looking at his footprints as he walks. When he finds a stick, Peter uses it to smack a tree. He is surprised when the snow falls from the tree onto his head.

Peter continues his adventures through the snow. He watches some older boys have a snowball fight, and looks forward to when he is old enough to join them. He climbs a big pile of snow and has fun sliding down. Peter even makes snowballs and a snow angel. Before going inside, Peter makes a snowball and puts it in his pocket for the next day.

He is excited to tell his mother about all the fun he had in the snow. Before bed, Peter gets his jacket to check on his snowball and realizes it is gone! Peter is very sad that his snowball is gone. He even dreams that the sun melted all the snow. However, when he wakes up, Peter is delighted to see that the snow is still there! In fact, new snow is falling. After breakfast, Peter and his friend head out into the snow for another day of adventure.

Check out these The Snowy Day teaching resources and activities to help you plan and deliver highly engaging read aloud lessons!

Grab the Free Reading Resources!

In closing, we hope you found this list of Ezra Jack Keats Activities helpful! They are part of our Starts With a Story collection. If you want to get more book ideas to read aloud to your elementary students, then grab this reading freebie. It includes read aloud books lists, reading logs, and reading challenges for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom teachers. It will have you covered for the entire school year, as well as the summer months! Grab this free elementary reading packet now!

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The Recess Queen book cover
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