If you are an elementary teacher looking for anti-bullying videos, then you found the right place! Videos are a great way to teach social emotional learning skills at the elementary level. They provide both an engaging and informative experience for students to learn about social emotional learning skills. Check out three great anti-bullying videos for elementary students below!

3 Anti-Bullying Videos for Elementary Students
Below are 3 quality videos for teaching your elementary students about bullying. Check them out below!
1. Introduction to Bullying Video
The first on this list of anti-bullying videos is a brief introduction to bullying. This video is a good introduction to what bullying is and how to tell the difference between bullying and teasing. Introduce the video by telling students they are going to learn what bullying is and how to tell when they or someone else is being bullied. After watching the video, ask students questions to check for understanding. For example, ask them what BOO stands for and different ways someone can be bullied. This video is 5 minutes and 5 seconds long.
2. What to Do about Bullying Video
The second on this list of anti-bullying videos is a short video that should be played as the next lesson in bullying. Tell students that, while the first video introduces bullying, this video tells us what to do about bullying. Pause at 2:15 and ask what it means to be a bystander. After watching the video, ask students what to do and what not to do if they are being bullied. It can be helpful to record students’ ideas on an anchor chart. This video is 6 minutes and 31 seconds long.
3. Anti-Bullying Video
The last on the list of anti-bullying videos is this video about being an upstander instead of being a bystander. It teaches how to stop bullying. Introduce the video by telling students that upstanders are people who stand up for others and stop bullying. Pause at 3:11 to ask what the letters NED stand for. After watching the video ask students what the four steps to being an upstander is. This video is 4 minutes long.
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In closing, we hope you found these 3 anti-bullying videos for elementary students helpful! They are a great way to engage your students while learning about this important social emotional learning skill. Students love learning through videos! If you enjoyed this post, then you may also be interested in these other posts about social emotional learning.